Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I installed ubuntu 7.10 recently and have made several modifications to make sure everything works perfectly and visually appeals my tastes.

What I have done:
1. Default ubuntu install does not have security updates set. Dont know why this is. So, first thing is to set the following options in synaptic package manager:
- System > Administration > Software Sources
- Click on Updates Tab
- Check the following
- Important Security Updates
- Recommended updates
Also, go to Ubuntu Software and check the following:
- main
- universe
- multiverse

2. Have you noticed the Fonts in Ubuntu default sucks, Firefox fonts are downright ugly and pathetic. They are too big and seem to bleed. So, after a little bit of searching found the perfect solution. Thanks to the following site:
fix firefox fonts in ubuntu
Anyway, simplified steps:
1. sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts
2. Window comes up warning of some non-sense, hit ok
3. Copy fontconfig.tbz
to your desktop
4. cd /etc/fonts
5. sudo tar xvf fontconfig.tbz
6. Restart firefox
You should see much better fonts
this worked for me like a charm. If others use this method please comment I would like to see if this works for more folks.

3. I configured compiz-fusion on X40 and it worked like a charm.
Pretty much used synaptics-manager to get compiz-fusion as stated in the ubuntu-wiki

My kid is bowled over by the compiz-fusion stuff and he is already an ubuntu convert :-)

4. Configured Pause Key to launch Terminal
1. System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts
2. Choose Desktop > Run a Terminal > choose shortcut and press the Pause key
Now everytime you hit pause a terminal pops up.
Smooth and convinient.

5. Installed Avant Window Navigator but not using it that much

7. Changed the look and feel for Ubuntu Login Screen (I used Avio-GDM theme, most popular download)
1. Go to Avio GDM
2. Howto install it under Gnome (Ubuntu):

  • 1. Download this theme (currently 0.9)
  • 2. Open the "gdmsetup", also called "Login Window Preferences"
  • 3. Open the tab "Local"
  • 4. Use the "Add" Button and select the downloaded file.
  • 5. Make sure you select the "Avio-GDM" in the List.
  • 6. Close dialog and logout to see it.

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